DIY Liquid Soap (from a bar of soap)

A couple weeks ago, Drew and I tried making our own liquid soap. It turned out really well! You can make a whole lot of liquid soap (almost two orange juice containers full!) out of any bar of soap! A much better deal for the money!

Here is what you need:

-cheese grater
-2 Tablespoons liquid glycerin (found in the band-aid aisle) (may have to adjust this if using larger bar of soap)
-1 bar of soap (mine was 5 oz, but you can also use 8 oz)
-10 cups of water (16 cups if using 8 oz bar of soap)
-1 teaspoon vitamin E ointment (optional — I just added this because it is good for your skin)


1. Grate your bar of soap.

2. Fill large pot with water, add soap shavings, add glycerin, and vitamin E.

3. Heat all ingredients until dissolved. It will basically just look like soapy water.

4. Let cool overnight, or at least 12 hours or so. Then you end up with this:

5. Then take a hand mixer (or an immersion blender would really work better) and mix it all up.

6. Use a funnel to pour into plastic storage containers. I used leftover Simply Orange and Simply Lemonade plastic jugs.

We’ve been using it for several weeks now and I really like it. I love the smell of the Dr. Bronners Citrus Orange bar soap we used! The consistency turned out just right and it is a lot of soap for the price of one bar of soap!

I’d like to try this for body wash next! :)

  1. This is a GREAT idea! Money saver too ;) Thanks for sharing.

  1. [...] making our DIY Liquid Soap, I decided that our kitchen could use a new soap dispenser to hold our soap in. Our old one was [...]


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